『siva arboris belli』(The wood of the tree of war).
『siva arboris belli』(The wood of the tree of war).
阿爾貝羅貝洛Alberobello位在義大利東南部、 是Puglia大區裡的一個小村落。
這裡的Trulli建築群保存完好,在 1996年被列入了世界文化遺產。
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西側商業區入口的看板,以圖示簡單介紹Trulli的建築結構。 |
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太陽剛下山、街燈剛點亮的Alberobello |
現在看起來猶如童話場景的小鎮,背後的歷史由來卻一點也不浪漫,竟是貴族為了逃稅的小聰明(還是狡猾呢?),而選用這種可隨時拆卸的建築。14世紀時,孔韋爾薩諾伯爵(Count of Conversano)掌管了這個地區,為了讓官方認定Alberobello是個無人居住的地區,以支付少量的稅款,不讓居住在此的農民建造永久性的住宅,而是使用一種可以很容易拆除及重建的石灰石來建造Trulli。
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右邊沒有塗上白色的部份,可以很清楚的看見石塊堆砌的樣子 |
1. Cross tax filled square with cosmic value
2. Cross with oblique segments symbolizing the divine protection
3. Cross removed from the cosmic significance
4. Cross arms with six points of cosmic value
5. Symbol considered effective for lightning protection
6. Egyptian symbol representing the female
7. Cross arms with six letter iota indicating Jesus
8. Cross two borizontal arm of the circle of cosmic value
9. Latin cross that emphasizes the union between Gentiles and Jews
10. Cosmic symbol consists of three diamond shapes indicating the protection of God over men
11. Il Chrismon
12. Ostia radiused with the inscription IHS meaning Jesus
13. Vase of refrigerium which means sanctifying grace which shows the seedling clover symbolizing the Trinity
14. Pierced Heart of Mary
15. Cross in the circle that indicates the cosmos and sky
16. Symbol of the sun-Christ
17. Cross accompanied by dots that assumes cosmic significance
18. Square with equilateral cross from cosmic value
19. Lozenbe with equilateral cross from cosmic value
20. Cross in the circle with the words "Sanctus Christus" and "Sanctus Dominus" with the power to remove the pitfalls
1. Cross tax filled square with cosmic value
2. Cross with oblique segments symbolizing the divine protection
3. Cross removed from the cosmic significance
4. Cross arms with six points of cosmic value
5. Symbol considered effective for lightning protection
6. Egyptian symbol representing the female
7. Cross arms with six letter iota indicating Jesus
8. Cross two borizontal arm of the circle of cosmic value
9. Latin cross that emphasizes the union between Gentiles and Jews
10. Cosmic symbol consists of three diamond shapes indicating the protection of God over men
11. Il Chrismon
12. Ostia radiused with the inscription IHS meaning Jesus
13. Vase of refrigerium which means sanctifying grace which shows the seedling clover symbolizing the Trinity
14. Pierced Heart of Mary
15. Cross in the circle that indicates the cosmos and sky
16. Symbol of the sun-Christ
17. Cross accompanied by dots that assumes cosmic significance
18. Square with equilateral cross from cosmic value
19. Lozenbe with equilateral cross from cosmic value
20. Cross in the circle with the words "Sanctus Christus" and "Sanctus Dominus" with the power to remove the pitfalls
21. Candlestick sevenfold Jewish
22. Sign in which there are the I and H letters of the name Jesus stuck in the circle representing the world
23. cross radiused
24. Jeweled cross and ancient symbol of the sun
25. Primitive symbol indicating the tree of knowledge
26. Anchor symbol, associated with the idea of salvation
27. Cross tree that unites the three worlds
28. Prayer lifted up to God from the earthly world and the Underworld
29. The prayer that the world turns to God
30. Cross-ax bearer of purification and eternal life
31. Star of David, a union of two equilateral triangles 大衛之星
32. Tree-cross wish for good and serene life eternal
33. Symbol of Jupiter 木星 / 朱比特 (羅馬神話中的宙斯神)
34. Trident signifying the Trinity
35. The Omega is that God inscribed with the cross
36. Symbol of Libra 天秤座
37. Symbol of Venus 金星 / 維納斯 (愛與美女神,羅馬神話)
38. Symbol of Taurus 金牛座
39. Symbol of Mercury 水星 / 墨丘利 (天神的信差,羅馬神話)
40. Symbol of Saturn 土星 / 薩圖恩 (農業之神,羅馬神話)
41. Sign in which are present the cross trident, I and H initials of Jesus on the circle that represents the world
42. Symbol of the Moon 月亮
43. Symbol of Mars 火星 / 馬爾斯 (戰神,羅馬神話)
44. constellation Aries 白羊座
34. Trident signifying the Trinity
35. The Omega is that God inscribed with the cross
36. Symbol of Libra 天秤座
37. Symbol of Venus 金星 / 維納斯 (愛與美女神,羅馬神話)
38. Symbol of Taurus 金牛座
39. Symbol of Mercury 水星 / 墨丘利 (天神的信差,羅馬神話)
40. Symbol of Saturn 土星 / 薩圖恩 (農業之神,羅馬神話)
41. Sign in which are present the cross trident, I and H initials of Jesus on the circle that represents the world
42. Symbol of the Moon 月亮
43. Symbol of Mars 火星 / 馬爾斯 (戰神,羅馬神話)
44. constellation Aries 白羊座
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這間Trullo也是民宿~Trulli Holiday Resort~是我們挑住宿時的選項之一 |
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東側是Rione Aia Piccola (阿賈·皮科拉區),西側是Rione Monti(蒙蒂區) |
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位於東側的阿賈·皮科拉區 (Rione Aia Piccola),Trulli多作為住家使用 |
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位於東側阿賈·皮科拉區(Rione Aia Piccola),Trulli多作為住家使用 |
東側的Rione Aia Piccola (阿賈·皮科拉區)是住宅區,約有400個Trulli,大多數都還有人居住,少部份也成了商店和餐廳,這區較少遊客。
西側的Rione Monti(蒙蒂區) ,約有1000個Trulli,現在是商業區,有許多紀念品店、餐廳,是許多遊客駐足的地方。
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西側的蒙蒂區(Rione Monti)是商業區,入夜後仍有少數店家營業 |
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店家的招牌,很有特色。 * * * * * * * *
〈Alberobello 的夜晚〉
白天熱鬧非凡、人聲鼎沸的商店區主街,入夜後好冷清。 這房子看起來好像在攝影棚搭的景,因為天空的顏色好不真實,好像刻意打的光。 |
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〈Alberobello 的清晨〉
一大早,商店都還沒開,一路上只有我們2個人 。
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一大早商店都還沒開,只好逛起店家前的盆栽,沒想到有這麼多種類的花。 |
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天主教教堂﹙Basillica Santi Medici Cosma e Damiano﹚ |
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天主教教堂﹙Basillica Santi Medici Cosma e Damiano﹚ |
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聖安東尼奧教堂﹙Chiesa di Sant'Antonio﹚ |
1. Alberobello旅遊官網
2. The Trulli of Alberobello
3. 聯合國教科文組織的介紹~The Trulli of Alberobello